Bach Bibliography
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Author : Babitz, Sol
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Babitz, SolThe Great Baroque Hoax: A Guide to Baroque Performance for Musicians and Connoisseurs. 1970 51p
2. Babitz, SolRecent Findings in 18th Century Performance Style. AmerStringTeacher 15 1 Winter 1965 10-12, 14-15
3. Babitz, SolTo the editor of Bach. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 40-43
4. Babitz, SolTo the Editor of BACH. Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 43-44
5. Babitz, SolDas Violinspiel im 18. Jahrhundert und heute. [cr]Kassel1962 1963 313-315
6. Babitz, SolOn using early keyboard fingering. Diapason 60 3:711 Feb 1969 15-28
7. Babitz, SolOn using early keyboard fingering. Diapason 60 4:712 Mar 1969 21-26
8. Babitz, SolOn using early keyboard fingering. Diapason 60 5:713 Apr 1969 21-24
9. Babitz, SolAdditions & corrections to all bulletins: polemics EarlyMLabBul 12 1975 26p
10. Babitz, SolNote-separation in musical performance, and other matters EarlyMLabBul 13 1976 24p
11. Babitz, SolDifferences between 18th century and modern violin bowing: with corrections and additions from the 1970 edition, and additional material as of 1974, with an appendix on the reconstruction of the baroque, Reinaissance & transition violins. EarlyMLabBul 2a 1975 iv, 26p
12. Babitz, SolOn using early keyboard fingering. EarlyMLabBul 3 1969 24p
13. Babitz, SolConcerning the length of time that every note must be held. EarlyMLabBul 4 1975 37p
14. Babitz, Sol (trans.)Treatise on the ornaments of music / Giuseppe Tartini. EarlyMLabBul 6 1970 40p
15. Babitz, Sol (ed.)Facsimile reprint of the first edition (Simrock - Bonn - 1805) of The Six Solos for Violin without Bass Accompaniment by Johann Sebastian Bach. EarlyMLabBul 7 1971 43p
16. Babitz, SolCommentary on EML tape-recording 2 illustrating Bulletins 1-6. EarlyMLabBul 8 1971 39p
17. Babitz, Sol (ed.)The Six Solos for Violin without Bass Accompaniment by Johann Sebastian Bach. EarlyMLabBul 9 1972 xxviii, 45p
18. Babitz, SolNotes Inégales: A Communication. JAMSoc 20 3 Autumn 1967 473-476
19. Babitz, SolOn using J. S. Bach's keyboard fingerings. MLetters 43 2 Apr 1962 123-128
20. Babitz, SolA problem of Rhythm in Baroque music. MQ 38 4 Oct 1952 533-565
21. Babitz, Sol'Concerning the Length of Time that Every Note Must be Held.' MReview 28 1 1967 21-37
22. Babitz, SolThe Vega Bach Bow. A Reply to Dr. Emil Telmányi. MTimes 96 1347 May 1955 251-253
23. Babitz, SolThe Need for Authentic Performance of Early Music. A reply to Dr. Telmányi. MTimes 97 1355 Jan 1956 39
24. Babitz, Sol'Anmerkung, welche die Zeit, wie lange jede Note gehalten werden muß, betrifft'. Musica 23 1 Jan-Feb 1969 8-14
25. Babitz, SolDifferences between 18th century and modern violin bowing. Score 19 Mar 1957 34-55

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita